the start of a personal experiment....

Not long ago I struggled with coming up with ideas, or to be more specific, with “the” idea. When tasked with coming up with new and innovate concepts after years of helping others produce their own, I came up against a wall. A creative block…wall. I realized that like any muscle, creativity can grow fallow unless consistently worked. Although there seems like a perpetual supply of virtual inspiration constantly around all of us, in the form of the internet and social media - studies show that our brain has adapted mental filters to avoid overload. The expectation that an idea, or a concept can emerge instantly when requested is flawed & perpetuated by much of the mainstream media. Which means that much of what we see and read does not provide as much benefit as the tools that we personally choose to use to solve problems. What we touch, commit to memory, resonate with is what we start using to solve problems.

Coincidently, at the same time as I was battling my creative block wall, I happened to be interviewing a local architect for an article. Our conversation revolved around the process that drove her designs, the many study models that helped to visualize the idea of space and the countless sketch books that contained her daily observations. When we spoke about who and what inspired her, hardly any of those were architects or buildings. They were artists, sculptors, ceramicists, musicians and authors. Her degree in architecture was joined by degrees in several fine arts and many years as an educator. In her work I could see the outcome of repeated attempts at progress, of starting over again without regret, of pulling from one distinct medium to provoke something new in another.

It struck me that there are many pragmatic educational resources & workshops aimed towards architects earning our health/safety/welfare continuing education hours, but not many focusing on continuing to grow as engaged designers. Everyone has their own way of starting, of working through an idea and seeking inspiration. If these ideas were collected into a virtual toolbox for a designer to utilize, would we collectively diffuse the creative block wall?

I propose this: what if I could start a personal experiment with the objective of becoming a better architect by broadening my knowledge of process. Would a weekly "assignment" such as read this book and consider the following, or research this painter or define this effort, etc. - start strengthening that creative power? I'm not sure, but it seems like an intriguing thing to consider

Join me in this journey towards reconnecting to creativity through the power of community.

Sign up to join the community and here's what you can expect:

  • Weekly assignments from a variety of creatives to provoke, challenge and inspire your imagination

  • A blog featuring articles highlighting those who display the ability to listen, evaluate and process towards a solution

  • A podcast that shares the back story of individuals who appreciate the whole creative effort rather than celebrating the end product

  • A marketplace full of useful resources, like books and tools, recommended by contributing members  

Welcome to Power to the Process.